
Latest Entries

The Hot Boss Fantasy

As you might have surmised throughout the courses of my stories, my work requires lots of travel. I attend lots of trainings, conferences and exercises. I love my job but what makes it all the better are those times I’m met with unanticipated sexy surprises. It was an annual week-long work training event. There were well over 100 people in attendance from all over the organization. I had been there a few days. Now, you should probably understand something about my personality. I do not actively work at putting myself out there for attention. I am naturally a social individual. I make connections fast. And sometimes those connections develop into something I never saw coming.

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Scenic Views

His name was Mike and we met on the dance floor. I had been in the area for work often enough that I was able to build some frequency and rapport in the local dance scene. This wasn’t the first time I had danced with him and he was one of my favorites because of his quirky mix of adding swing dance moves into his Salsa dancing. We made an early connection through our enjoyment of dancing together and lots of laughter as I tried to follow his particular style. I’ve established my personal theory that good dance partners make good sex partners but something else I should add is that I’m not always looking to connect the two. My identity as a vixen does not always translate to wild nights off the dance floor with every good dance partner I meet. But when it does happen, it’s definitely worth the story. Mike was no exception here.

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Another First

Needless to say, I enjoy sex. If I didn’t, I would not be writing this blog.

That statement speaks volumes for me personally. Anyone who has followed my journey will understand what an impactful admission that is, especially given my history. To come full circle to a place of self-confidence, self-love and the unabashed embrace of my sexuality is something I celebrate. I enjoy exploring my libido and all the beautiful intricacies that excite my mind and body. Sexual discovery is a thrilling ride with no better example than the story I am about to share.

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OkCupid Observations

(This post contains affiliate links.)

Hello readers and thank you for always sticking with me, even when life can be a challenge! I promise I haven’t gone anywhere and in fact I have a lot of stories and thoughts I’m excited to share with you. First up? Some thoughts on a certain dating app I’ve recently tried. Okcupid is something a lot of you recommended I review. I’m glad I did! When it comes to dating apps, I found Okcupid to be far more intentional about being inclusive of alternative lifestyles. When building my profile, there were so many options to present the real, authentic me. For instance, instead of being pigeon-holed into monogamy and then having to drop a cheeky explanation in my bio, the Okcupid format had poly and open built in as options. Yippie for transparency!

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